Accurate Staffing, LLC.

Accurate Staffing, LLC.
The ACCURATE solution for your temporary and permanent employment needs.

Monday, February 1, 2010

In Good Company ...

Like many of yourselves, the staffing industry is out there looking for jobs. Seasoned veterans in the profession are seeing an increase in job requests - slight, but an increase nonetheless. If you are an individual whose background is in the medical or alternative energy - you'll be happy to know that you are going to get a job - sooner than later.

On January 21st, I attended the NH Industry Forum, which was an economic forecast of sorts. The industries represented were: banking, energy, health, commercial real estate, tourism and the university/college system. As you can imagine, the reoccurring theme was that the projections were going to be 'flat' ... not a whole lot of growth, but NO anticipatory decreases, as was seen in 2009. All eyes are on what the government will do regarding employment stimulus and what direction health care was going to take as this has great impact on the economy. All industries were reporting that they were developing their business' offerings in 'depth' vs. a growth module and were making adjustments all over the place. Kind of like you and me! Operative words - be FLEXIBLE!

Part of being flexible is being 'open' to new ideas. One of my new ideas is to network with human resource personnel, interview/spotlight companies and get feedback on all things relative to candidates and share with you their suggestions and input on interviewing. The hiring process/criteria is much more competitive and we need to adjust and align ourselves to this change.

Network. Network. Network. For years, small business owners have been doing this to bring in more business - referrals - through others. The same holds true to the unemployed. Networking groups serve many purposes: exposure to potential employers, possible leads to jobs, support and the list goes on. The number one rule in networking - honesty. Be truthful and sincere as these groups are comprised of individuals who will put in a good word for you with their new employer, when they become employed. If you are not trusted, no matter how stellar your credentials and resumes - you will NOT get a referral.

“You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive, effective, unstoppable determination.” Ralph Marston

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